10 Questions With

10 Questions With... Tola Ojuolape

The Gateaway - Tola Ojuolape
We couldn't think of a better way to kick off our '10 Questions With...' than sitting down with esteemed designer (and friend) Tola Ojuolape. With projects like The Africa Centre and Culture Cafe under her belt, we wanted to find out what inspires her and take a little peek behind the curtain.


Tola Ojuolape StudioTola Ojuolape - Image Credit Grant Frazer | The Africa Centre
What inspired you to set up your own studio? How did you get into the design industry?
I have always known I would set up a studio, it has been a lifelong passion since I was young.I studied Interior Architecture at University and my trajectory was there. I got my first start interlining at a small studio in Dublin prior to moving to London about a decade ago.
What do you enjoy most about what you do?
I love the fact that no project is the same, there is always something new to see and learn. I also love meeting new and interesting people through collaboration and clients. The world is so big and small and there are always new people to meet and see.
What inspires and influences you?
I think global culture, art, people, fashion and lately heritage and history has and continues to make a huge impact on me. Its a continue journey and I’m always looking around.
What is your favourite project that you’ve worked on?
I think the Africa Centre, my breakout project in the industry is probably my favourite, purely because I worked on it from a place of passion and genuine care. I underestimated how well the project would be received and it is a testament to my vision for considered narrative driven interiors.
The Africa Centre - Tola Ojuolape
The Africa Centre
What has been your greatest achievement so far?
Thats a tricky one as its relative however I would say stepping out in faith to start a practice and now recognising there are few people who look like me in the industry and that my path and vision is much greater than me.
What is your favourite design piece of all time?
I’m not sure I have a favourite piece however I do love art and a unique piece of art that can stand the test of time is always a favourite.
What is your top tip for people when decorating a space? 
Firstly, I think its important to understand your personal aesthetic and functional requirements, this can help guide on layout design, colour can be an amazing tool to transform a space in an effective manner, having an understanding of budget to guide selections and procurement process.
What do you think is going to be big in 2025?
It has always been visible however I do think more colour and characterful vintage pieces will continue to resonate. People want personalised spaces and this translates well across residential and commercial spaces.
What does your home look like? 
My aesthetic is pretty clean however I do like collected pieces, I’m not a big fan of pattern in my home, more about warmth and character. I love warmer tones that speak to comfort and character.
What’s next for Tola Ojuolape Studio - Any exciting plans for the year ahead?
Yes indeed, the beauty of what we do is that there is always something new projects can offer. We have just commenced an exciting wellness project with soul in London.
You can find out more about Tola Ojuolape Studio at @tolaojuolape.studio

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